Renewable Building Technology

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Heating & Cooling (HVAC)

The foundation to an efficient, green HVAC system is the proper sizing of the system during the design stage.  Then,  there are different green technologies employed to heat and cool your home.  They include the following:  ground source heat pumps (geo-thermal),  super high-efficiency variable speed heat pumps,  radiant floor heat,  and passive solar.  Thermal solar arrays can also be utilized in the production of domestic hot water, and can concurrently augment any of the aforementioned home heating systems.  There are significant tax credits available for the installation of some of these systems.  In an efficient, tight thermal envelope house, we introduce mechanical ventilation (fresh air) into the house via an Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV).  


We are able to produce electricity in our green homes through the utilization of two green technologies:  photovoltaic cells (PV Cells),  and wind power.  PV Cells are installed in an array on your roof and are either linked directly to the electrical grid, or your house.  Wind turbines are also mounted discreetly on your roof.  We further install low energy LED and compact fluorescent lighting where applicable in lieu of incandescent bulbs.


Through the implementation of several new technologies, we can drastically reduce water consumption in your green home.  We capture rainwater to flush toilets,  supply washing machines,  dishwashers,  and outside spigots on the house.  We install on-demand water-heating systems with boost pumps.  We can bypass fossil fuels virtually entirely by heating domestic water through a thermal solar array on your roof.  Finally,  we install extremely low-flow faucets,  shower heads,  and ultra low-flush toilets.

Rainwater Collection and Management

Through the installation of above, or below ground cisterns, we harvest  rainwater for the following uses:  super high-efficiency irrigation systems,  flushing of toilets,  supply of washing machines,  dishwashers,  and outside spigots.